The journey to Patagonia is a journey towards a nature so overwhelming, vast and extraordinarily beautiful that it shakes the foundations of every system or lifestyle the visitor come from. It is also a journey back in time, towards the external borders of progress and urbanization. To a stage where life felt and looked more like it is supposed to. Finally, it is a journey towards desolation and abandonment, towards people, places and entire towns constantly shaped by ice, wind and solitude.
About 1000 km from Antartica, this is the southernmost and the most remote inhabited area in the world. Halfway between Puerto Montt and Chernobyl, region XII is a strange land, a ghost country, which mixes with the same melancholy of Valparaiso, a glorious past, an ungrateful present and an uncertain future.
These few pictures are a travel diary shot between the towns of Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and the Paine Mountains in Region XII, Chile.